The Recent Rise of Covenantal Apologetics (9 of 10)

by C.L. Bolt on September 10, 2012

In my previous post for this series I provided a list of covenantal apologetic links. As mentioned in that post, a number of sites were likely left out. Like the previous post, this post will no doubt leave much to be desired in terms of how exhaustive it is. There are now enough new covenantal apologetics books coming out that it is difficult to list them all in a post like this one.

Years ago books like and were, other than books by Cornelius Van Til, just about the only thing around on presuppositionalism. and came along a bit later, but as far as I know the explosion of material in the first decade of the new century is unprecedented.

John M. Frame defended presuppositional apologetics in   and published a number of books in the series that began much earlier with They were , , and His festschrift came out as well under the title .

K. Scott Oliphint  has been busy. He published , , and . He has a number of books on the history of apologetics and other topics that are also consistent with a covenantal apologetic. He also had a hand in at least one of the new editions of the works of Van Til which include , , and

The aforementioned volumes have made Van Til more readily accessible even to those who have never heard of him before. The same is true now with respect to a theologian Van Til followed quite closely. One can now obtain by Herman Bavinck in English.

Let’s not forget , a great little book capturing much of the spirit of Bahnsen’s work in presuppositional apologetics. There was also no lack of excitement over , an early work by Bahnsen that was lost until just recently and then published for the first time.

There are many other books that have no doubt created even more interest in covenantal apologetics. Doug Wilson’s books are among those. And though he is certainly not a presupper proper, Alvin Plantinga’s might be thrown into that category as well. Don’t forget Vern Poythress. James N. Anderson published his which closely follows Van Tilian thought. Mike A. Robinson has published a slew of presuppositional apologetic materials. Jamin Hubner just released the second edition of . Massimo Lorenzini wrote a helpful introduction called . Cliff McManis just published .

Again, there are a lot more works that could be listed here. Feel free to post any in the comments. In the last ten years or so we have seen an incredibly large number of new publications on covenantal apologetics. Lord willing, many more will come!


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