
by Matthias McMahon on October 31, 2013

There is a school of thought to which many ethicists subscribe, whose students never seem willing to move on from the lambda-omega-lambdas, and whose parties are always unusually loud and long even after the music has been stopped for years and all the drink has dried up. This troupe of tautological idealogues loves to insist upon […]


Shrill objections to Russia’s laws against homosexual behavior and Joyce Meyer! How do these fit together? Take a listen and find out! Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Share on technorati Subscribe to the comments on this post Bookmark in Browser


Dealing with this topic systematically, and transcendentally. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Share on technorati Subscribe to the comments on this post Bookmark in Browser


(Subtitle: What 3/4 of an MA in theology at Asbury buys) A response to his article, reposted here at the Huffington Post. Edit: For some reason, during an edit of this post, I inserted “Brian”, instead of “Brett” Gallaher. My apologies. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post share via Reddit Share with Stumblers […]


As it says, this is an Islam-driven episode, relating some statements made by my erstwhile debate opponent in recent visits. Also: pay close attention at the beginning and end – something may have changed Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Share on technorati Subscribe to the comments […]


Answers a question Sam asked Dr. White on the Dividing Line a while back, concerning truck drivers and church. Note: This is completely trucking-related information, so I’ll forgive you for skipping this if you are not a trucker! Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Share on technorati […]


Van Tilian Poetry

by defectivebit on October 16, 2013

I ran across some Van Tilian poetry today on the net. Not exactly something you come across every day. Check it out: http://evanemay.com/2013/08/02/borrowed-rage/ Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Share on technorati Subscribe to the comments on this post Bookmark in Browser


Delusion Milkshake

by Justin McCurry on October 12, 2013

It is quite the situation we’ve found ourselves in when one of the most detestable things in God’s sight becomes the most celebrated in popular culture. Namely, acts of sexual immorality (homosexual or heterosexual) . Now, as a regular observer (and recovering participant) in this particular context, I used to think of the act of […]


John Starke over at The Gospel Coalition wrote a piece ( http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/tgc/2013/10/11/do-people-bark/ ) in response to Professor Gregory Berns who seems to think that the chemical pathways in human brains and dog brains are strikingly similar when it comes to sensing and desiring—canines can be compared to small children. So what does he conclude? Dogs […]


Discussed a debate proposal to Blair Laird, his supposed “divine soteriology” and shared a bit of personal history about myself. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Share on technorati Subscribe to the comments on this post Bookmark in Browser