Joshua Whipps

Joshua is 34 years old, husband to Bethany, the father of 6 children, and is a professional truck driver. He is a Reformed Baptist, currently attending a small local church, adheres to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of faith, and has taught apologetics and church history at the local church level. He blogs at, and has contributed to Choosing Hats since November of 2008. He has articles in the In Antithesis journal, and contributed one chapter to the first edition of Jamin Hubner’s “The Portable Presuppositionalist“. He has participated in several formal debates.

Potential Debate Topics

General Unbelief:
Is the Triune God of the Scriptures the proper grounds for knowledge (or: suggest another, such as morality)?

Is the Bible True?

Does God exist?

Jehovah’s Witnesses:
Is the Watchtower the Faithful and Discreet Slave of Matt 24:45?

Is the New World Translation reliable?

What does the Bible teach?

Does the witness of the early church support the Jehovah’s Witnesses?

Is Joseph Smith a false prophet?

Who is the God of Scripture?

Is the Book of Mormon the Word of God?

Do Muslims obey Surah 3:84?

Does the Qu’ran correctly identify the Christian Doctrine of the Trinity?

Is the Qu’ran the Word of God?

Prophet or God Incarnate?

Was Mohammad a false prophet?

Roman Catholicism:
Does the Roman Catholic church preach “another gospel”?

Do the anathemas of Rome apply to those who believe in justification by faith alone?

Does Islam adore the One God?

Sola Scriptura is an essential Christian Doctrine, and necessary for instruction in faith and practice.

Are the Doctrines of Grace Biblical?

Is Covenantal Apologetics the only Biblical apologetic method?

Formal Debates

vs. Mitch LeBlancIs the Triune God of the Scriptures the basis for knowledge? – July 31st, 2009
vs. Yasser AliIs the Qur’an the Word of God?? – October 2nd, 2010
vs. Dan MarcumSola Scriptura is an essential Christian doctrine, and necessary for instruction in faith and practice – Feb 5th, 2011

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