Why I Lack Certainty about Christianity – C. Michael Patton: Some people say that they have no doubt at all, and they never have. I have difficulty believing assertions such as this, though I suppose they might be true for a very small number of individuals. However, at this point, I think it would be […]


Reformed Evangelism

by Ben W. on August 11, 2013

I recently started a personal blog on which I’ll be posting more generally Reformed/Presbyterian topics. The following post is from that blog: Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Share on technorati Subscribe to the comments on this post Bookmark in Browser


Dreamers Utopia

by RazorsKiss on August 7, 2013

Men are glad to read the utopias that dreamers have dreamed; they are glad even to include the story of Genesis in their repertoire of light reading for leisure hours, but men rebel against being told that their ethical ideals must be judged by the ethical ideals of Adam. The real meaning of this opposition […]


Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries does an excellent job interviewing Dr. K Scott Oliphint about his new book Covenatal Apologetics. Check out the show here or download the mp3 here. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Share on technorati Subscribe to the comments on […]


For those of you who keep track of such things (as I do) – today is the fifth year anniversary of this site! This is truly a milestone for us, and we are thankful to God that he has provided a number of contributors who are passionate about a truly Biblical Apologetic method. Our hope […]


“To bring out the interrelatedness of God’s revelation in Scripture with his revelation in nature, we speak first of the necessity of natural revelation. It is customary to speak of the necessity of supernatural revelation because of the fact that there is no revelation of grace in nature. However, it is equally true that the […]


The Shack

by RazorsKiss on July 21, 2013

William Young’s novel “The Shack” was a recent bestseller in the “Christian” Fiction community. The odd and usually disfigured presentation of trinitarian theology in that book was truly strange, and in no way wonderful. That, however, is not the subject of this post. The subject of this post is the theology that underlies our apologetic […]


T.K. Jaros recently posted an article entitled “Total Depravity: Theological Finesse Needed, Part 1.” As the title implies, it’s obviously merely the first of a series. What struck me, and practically everyone else who I’ve linked the article to, is that immediately after saying “finesse is needed” in the title, the definition he gives of […]


Chapter 5 of Dr. Oliphint’s book has been posted on Monergism with permission. Go give it a read and tell us what you think! Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Share on technorati Subscribe to the comments on this post Bookmark in Browser

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Dr. Oliphint’s new book, Covenantal Apologetics, just hit Kindle only a few hours ago.  Many have already balked at the mere suggestion of a “covenantal” apologetic, for various reasons, and the first chapter of the book explains the change in terminology, and I’m sure many are wondering if he’s successfully justified his “new” position. Blog this! […]