September 2012

“Is Muhammed Prophesied in the Bible?” New Debate by Dr. James White

by defectivebit on September 24, 2012

Why I Believe

by BK on September 24, 2012

Evangelical Textual Criticism’s Top Ten Essential Works List

by defectivebit on September 22, 2012

Short Break

by C.L. Bolt on September 20, 2012

“A Note to the Secular World: Do Your History”

by C.L. Bolt on September 19, 2012

Is Muhammed Prophesied in the Bible? Free Debate

by C.L. Bolt on September 18, 2012

“The Problem of Non-God Objects”

by C.L. Bolt on September 18, 2012

Islam and “be[ing] civil without being feeble.”

by C.L. Bolt on September 17, 2012

Passion in Apologetics

by Matthias McMahon on September 14, 2012

Lutherans, and Muslims, and TAG! Oh My!

by C.L. Bolt on September 12, 2012

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