A number of my debate opponents have spoken of “models” or “frameworks.” A model or framework is posited as the basis of knowledge.
For example, one model or framework claims that we may only come to know things through evidence available to the five senses. But the claim that we may only come to know things through evidence available to the five senses is not itself accepted upon the basis of evidence available to the five senses!
Some will respond that a model or framework does not have to follow its own rules. A model or framework is just assumed. Or to put it another way, a model or framework is accepted upon the basis of blind faith.
Others will respond that a model or framework does provide a basis for its acceptance. A model or framework confirms itself. Or to put it another way, a model or framework is accepted upon the basis of viciously circular argument.
The language of “model” or “framework” sounds sophisticated, but it does not resolve some of the central difficulties of a non-Christian epistemological scheme.
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