Christianity is a naturally offensive truth. Not that it offends, but it exposes the offense that is part of the human condition and dares to hold humans responsible. The sinful nature of man, such as it is, detests any effort of the person who would dare to point at that nature and speak about it for what it is. [...]

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Peripatetic 8

by RazorsKiss on February 24, 2013

Is it consistent to be involved in youth ministry as well as CA?  I address this assertion sans argument in a short edition. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Share on technorati Subscribe to the comments on this post Bookmark in Browser


I was pointed to a post by J. Warner Wallace where he seeks to give a distinction between evidence and proof. This is in itself something good to do because who has not heard people scream “SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE!” as though if they are shown enough evidence that it is proof [of something]. The [...]


Peripatetic 7

by RazorsKiss on February 21, 2013

When we say that Covenantal Apologetics is Sola Scriptura in an apologetic context, what do we mean by that, and where do we find this in Scripture? Additionally, in summary form, we examine where in these texts we can see the various tenets of CA displayed for us. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this [...]


Matthias McMahon, Justin McCurry and I discuss the comments of a Sean Holloway in the Association of Evangelical Apologists facebook group. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Share on technorati Subscribe to the comments on this post Bookmark in Browser


Some In-House Debate

by Resequitur on February 20, 2013

Nathan Shannon wrote an article responding to Drs. James Anderson and Greg Welty. Steve Hays responds here   Hopefully this will be the beginning of some interesting exchange. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Share on technorati Subscribe to the comments on this post Bookmark in Browser


Please Welcome Matthias McMahon

by BK on February 20, 2013

Matthias has been with Choosing Hats for awhile now in a contributor role, but with the upcoming departure of Chris Bolt, he has been added to the prestigious list of “Site Administrators”. OK, so maybe not all that prestigious. Expect to see more of Matthias by way of posts and responses to comments in the [...]

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Peripatetic 6

by RazorsKiss on February 18, 2013

A further response to Frank Turk, a discussion concerning a conversation in a FB group, and an update on future podcasting. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Share on technorati Subscribe to the comments on this post Bookmark in Browser


Peripatetic 5

by RazorsKiss on February 17, 2013

Should Covenantal Apologists put a sock in it when it comes to the abortion debate? A response to Frank Turk’s 2 posts at Pyromaniacs. Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Share on technorati Subscribe to the comments on this post Bookmark in Browser

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Peripatetic 4

by RazorsKiss on February 16, 2013

What does it mean to “Push the Antithesis,” and to what does that apply, specifically? Blog this! Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Share on technorati Subscribe to the comments on this post Bookmark in Browser


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