Why do you insist that there’s a problem with my objection?

by RazorsKiss on November 13, 2011

That depends, typically, on the nature of the objection. Most commonly, there is a problem with your objection when it takes the form of a straw man. A straw man fallacy arises when the objector ignores the stated position of his opponent, and substitutes a distorted, or misrepresented version of their opponents position. This often occurs when the objector is describing the Christian faith at various levels. When this occurs, the objector misrepresents, or distorts, the actual position held by his opponent – makes it out to be something other than it is, and typically without argumentation to demonstrate that his perception is, in fact, correct.

CH: Attributal Argument for God’s ordination of possibility

CH: On Divine Simplicity and Malformed Arguments

CH: A Further Example of the Importance of Divine Simplicity

IA: In Antithesis, Volume 1, Number 1; The Doctrine of God in Reformed Apologetics

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