In Antithesis: A Reformed Apologetic Journal

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In Antithesis is an online journal focused on the Presuppositional/Covenantal variety of apologetic methodology. We will publish quarterly, with submissions required 3 months prior to publication. The call for papers will be issued one month prior to the due date for the next issue.

Contributors must be believers in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and must be members of a local church. Other qualifications will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the editors.

Submissions should evidence critical thought on some topic or topics related to P/C apologetics. Articles may be critical of this particular method of apologetics; however the larger purpose, progress or development of this method should be kept in mind. All submissions must be original work, and properly cite other works they reference. Please keep your submissions between 2,000 and 10,000 words.

Submission of an article does not guarantee its appearance in In Antithesis. Final decisions regarding contributors, submissions, and the journal will be made by the journal’s editors and publisher.

If you are interested in submitting an article for the Journal, please first submit your first and last name, email, and select “In Antithesis Journal” as the subject, on our Contact form and provide an abstract (300 word maximum) and biography (100 word maximum). The bio should clearly reflect your church membership and your faith in Christ. You will be contacted shortly thereafter with more details. Feel free to contact us with any other comments or questions through the Contact form as well.

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Henry Middleton October 4, 2011 at 12:45 pm

I am greatly enjoying the first issue of “In Antithesis.” Thank you for your service. Do you plan to also release it in Kindle or mobi format?


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