
Debate Topics

Chris Bolt Joshua Whipps
Potential Debate Topics

Does God Exist?

Is the Bible the Word of God?

Is abortion ethically justified?

Is homosexuality ethically justified?

Are Covenantal Apologetics the best apologetic method?

Did Jesus Rise From the Dead?

General Unbelief:
Is the Triune God of the Scriptures the proper grounds for knowledge (or: suggest another, such as morality)?

Is the Bible True?

Does God exist?

Jehovah’s Witnesses:
Is the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society the Faithful and Discreet Slave of Matt 24:45?

Is the New World Translation reliable?

What does the Bible teach?

Does the witness of the early church support the Jehovah’s Witnesses?

Is Joseph Smith a false prophet?

Who is the God of Scripture?

Is the Book of Mormon the Word of God?

Do Muslims obey Surah 3:84?

Does the Qu’ran correctly identify the Christian Doctrine of the Trinity?

Is the Qu’ran the Word of God?

Prophet or God Incarnate?

Was Mohammad a false prophet?

Roman Catholicism:
Does the Roman Catholic church preach “another gospel”?

Do the anathemas of Rome apply to those who believe in justification by faith alone?

Does Islam adore the One God?

Sola Scriptura is an essential Christian Doctrine, and necessary for instruction in faith and practice.

Since God has decreed this state of affairs in accordance with His nature, this state of affairs is the only state of affairs possible.

Are the Doctrines of Grace Biblical?

Is Covenantal Apologetics the only Biblical apologetic method?

Since God has decreed this state of affairs in accordance with His nature, this state of affairs is the only state of affairs possible.

Formal Debates
Chris Bolt Joshua Whipps
vs. Alex Cornett – “Does God Exist?” – 2006
vs. Tyler Mace – “Does God Exist?” – 2007
vs Ben Wallis – “Does God Exist?” – August 19, 2010
vs. Michael Long – Is there good reason to believe that the Christian God exists?” – August 28, 2011
vs. Matt Oxley – “Does the Triune God of Scripture Exist?” – November 10, 2012
vs. Mitch LeBlancIs the Triune God of the Scriptures the basis for knowledge? – (Affirm) – July 31st, 2009
vs. Yasser AliIs the Qur’an the Word of God? -(Deny) – October 2nd, 2010
vs. Dan MarcumSola Scriptura is an essential Christian doctrine, and necessary for instruction in faith and practice -(Affirm) – Feb 5th, 2011
vs. Chris Date“The final punishment of the risen wicked will be annihilation, the permanent end to the conscious existence of the entire person.” (Deny) – June 16th, 2012

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Pat October 26, 2012 at 11:36 pm

why isn’t the Alex Cornett debate audio available?


C.L. Bolt October 31, 2012 at 9:46 am

It’s on VHS in another state. Perhaps some day it will be available here in MP3 format.


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